In the Know #11
January 15, 2008
Word of the Day from
inculcate \in-KUHL-kayt; IN-kuhl-kayt\, transitive verb:
To teach and impress by frequent repetition or instruction.
Today in history, according to Wikipedia:

1559 - Elizabeth I is crowned in Westminster Abbey.
1777 - New Connecticut (Vermont) declares its independence.
1844 - The University of Notre Dame receives its charter from the state of Indiana.
1892 - James Naismith (pictured) publishes the rules of basketball.
1943 - The Pentagon is dedicated in Arlington, Virginia.
1967 - Super Bowl I, Green Bay Packers - 35:10 - Kansas City Chiefs.
2001 - Wikipedia goes online
Today's Famous Births:
1902 - King Saud of Saudi Arabia
1929 - Martin Luther King, Jr., American civil rights leader, Nobel Peace Prize winner
1948 - Ronnie Van Zant, American singer, Lynyrd Skynyrd
Today's category - The World Cup

~ Uruguay defeated Argentina 4-2 to win the first World Cup.
~ Brazil has the most World Cup Championships with five, Italy has four titles and Germany has three.
~ The next World Cup tournament is set for June through 11 July 11, 2010.
~ The World Cup trophy (pictured) is 36.6 cm tall and is made of 5 kg of 18 carat gold.
I always wondered... GPS works...

Current GPS receiver models can tell you how far you've traveled on a trip, time traveling, current speed, average speed and ETA at current speed. The receivers can also leave a "bread crumb" trail showing the exact path that you have traveled.
["how GPS works" reference:]
[All references from unless otherwise noted]
how stuff works is the best...this was very interesting.
im glad you got that word up- i was worried it wasnt coming.
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